
Showing posts from February, 2017

Stiff Neck?

In the vast majority of cases, a stiff neck is caused by a simple muscle strain or sprain and may be treated within a few days. As a general rule, it is advisable to seek medical attention if the stiff neck symptoms do not subside after one week, or if the neck symptoms occur along with other troubling symptoms, as there may be an underlying medical condition that needs treatment. First aid for a stiff neck caused by muscle strain or soft tissue injury may include one or a combination of the following: It is advisable for patients to seek a diagnosis from their chiropractor, to determine the underlying cause of their neck symptoms. Especially if neck stiffness persists after a few days or a week, if it seems to be getting worse, and/or if it is accompanied by other troubling symptoms, it is a good idea to seek a medical diagnosis and treatment. Immediate medical attention is recommended if neck stiffness is noted after a traumatic injury, or if there are additional concerni...

Welcome to Bedford Chiropractic Clinic


Chiropractic massage

Chiropractic massage is an excellent method for improving overall health and musculoskeletal efficiency. Massage has several beneficial effects on the body and the mind. Chiropractic Massage has proven to assist in the healing of many conditions including back pain, surgery recovery, eating and sleep disorders as well as high blood pressure and diabetes among others Whether you’re feeling the effects of a specific complaint, suffering general aches and pains, or are stressed from your busy life, our massage therapists are on hand to get you back to full health with a wide range of massage therapies that are tailored to your individual needs. Benefits of massage: •    Relieving stress and aiding relaxation •    Relief from muscle aches and fatigue •    Relieving nerve pain •    Relief from occupational/postural aches and pains •    Enhancing recovery from exercise •    Increasing circulatio...

Chiropractic is good way to “retrain your brain” to use correct posture and correct bio-mechanics.

You may be sitting, standing, walking, or even running in a way that puts uneven stress on your body, which over time, results in pain. Also, poor posture can cause soft tissue damage, another cause of pain. By correcting your posture and bio-mechanics, we greatly reduce the chance of pain returning in the future!... You only have to look at a spine to see how its various curves may affect the pressure areas on discs, facette joints, spinal nerves, ligaments and muscles. Correct and incorrect posture can alter those curves and result in different stresses by changing the center of gravity. Posture and biomechanical imbalances Posture starts at the head and works its way down or on the other hand starts at the feet and works its way up. Even in books looking at the progress of homo sapiens (homo erectus) in evolution, man is portrayed as somewhat hunchbacked. The head protrudes forward on the neck, the shoulders are rounded, the stomach protrudes forward with a sway back, and...

Is your Headache a pain in your NECK?

Research Proves Every Headache is connected to the Neck Chiropractors help millions of people overcome pain and suffering from headaches every day. Spinal adjustments provide a healthy alternative to the use of drugs or surgery. Many people remain unaware of the alternative approach and benefits available through Chiropractic adjustments. These same people find themselves consuming dangerous chemicals to deal with painful symptoms rather than ever addressing the cause of headaches and other ailments. Today’s research reveals that the root cause of most headaches begins with understanding the characteristics simplifies the pursuit of finding a solution. Brain tissue does not cause a headaches pain. The main culprits of headache pain stems from changes in muscle function , nerve receptors , and blood vessels. Humans never actually feel their actual brain. The lack of sensation explains why neurosurgeons operate on brain tissue without ever causing a patient to feel discomfort. S...

Chiropractic can prevent Heart Disease

Research proves a link between the Spine and Blood pressure Chiropractic care continues to increase in popularity across America and the entire globe. People of all ages, genders, and health backgrounds invest in a common experience of shared results that radiate from proper nervous system care. Improved health and outcomes provide millions of people with incentive enough to implement Chiropractic care as part of their weekly and monthly health regimens. Tom Brady earned recognition as one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play professional football. He proudly visits a Chiropractor on a weekly basis to maximize his physical performance. A heavy majority of college, professional, and Olympic athletes utilize the performance enhancing benefits of regular Chiropractic adjustments to the nervous system. Those same benefits support the health care of pregnant mothers , working fathers , growing children , and new-born infants. Men and women across the world utilize Chiropractic...


Scoliosis: What You Need to Know Scoliosis (pronounced sko-lee-o-sis) is a three-dimensional deformity that occurs when the spine becomes abnormally rotated and curved sideways. Most often this deformity has no known cause, in which case it is called idiopathic scoliosis. Common Early Signs of Scoliosis Clothes fit awkwardly or hang unevenly.  A parent, friend, or even the person with scoliosis might notice that a shirt or blouse appears uneven, which could be cause for further investigation. Sideways curvature observed while in bathing suit or changing.  For instance, a parent could first notice the sideways curvature in an adolescent’s back while at the pool or beach. Oftentimes scoliosis is first suspected when someone notices something slightly off and comments. Some examples could include: Even if a newly discovered asymmetry appears minor, it should be checked by a doctor because scoliosis is easier to treat when caught early. “Can a chiropractor fix ...