Babies need Chiropractic too!


This white paper discusses the significance of the October of 2015 study published in the Journal of American Osteopathic Association called “Incidence in Somatic Dysfunction in Healthy Newborns.”

An intimate relationship exists between the alignment and movement of the spine, and the function of the central nervous system. Chiropractic is known to help people with a variety of conditions, disorders, and symptoms due to the role of the spine on central nervous system function. But the benefits of chiropractic are not only for those who are suffering. Like a cavity, a small misalignment in the spine can occur before pain or symptoms arise. A popular question about chiropractic amongst
healthcare providers and their patients center around the necessity of chiropractic care for babies, children, and adults in the presence or absence of symptoms. This study evaluated one-hundred newborns for the presence of somatic dysfunction, and the findings were remarkable.

 ▪ The objective of the study was to identify the incidence and patterns of somatic dysfunction in 100 healthy newborns between 6-72 hours after birth and correlate findings with maternal and labor history, gestational age, and findings of the initial newborn assessment.

▪ The somatic dysfunctions assessed in these newborns included asymmetry and motion restriction of the cranial, cervical, lumbar, and sacral regions.

▪ Recent evidence suggests spinal adjustive care of somatic dysfunction in newborns may decrease complications in hospital length of stay.

▪ Somatic dysfunction in newborns may result from external forces related to the birth process.

▪ The study found 91% of newborns having cervical asymmetry and motion restriction, 94% having lumbar dysfunction, and at least 80% having asymmetry in the sacral base.

▪ Somatic dysfunction in newborns were found to result from intrauterine factors (fibroids, multiple fetuses, uterine shape) or strains during labor and delivery.

▪ The study also found a significant correlation between the total number of identified spinal dysfunctions and the duration of labor. The longer the labor led to an increase in spinal dysfunction.

 ▪ Somatic dysfunction in newborns have been theorized to pre-dispose infants to musculoskeletal problems and systemic problems such as respiratory or nervous system symptoms.

▪ Spinal adjustive care for newborns has been associated with reduced gastrointestinal symptoms, decreased length of stay in hospital, and reduced hospitalization costs.

 ▪ Multiple factors may influence the development of spinal dysfunction in a newborn: maternal health such as mobility, duration of labor, gravidity of the mother, labor intervention, instrument delivery, fetal head position, and Caesarian delivery.

▪ The identification and treatment of somatic and spinal dysfunction may lead to improved health in newborns.

This research provides evidence that the vast majority of "healthy" newborns have spinal mechanical problems that may adversely influence the child's health and development. Unfortunately, all of the babies in this study which were found with spine and nervous system abnormalities were labeled “healthy” because they didn’t have spinal pain, spasm. or other symptoms. This goes to show why Chiropractors check babies, children, and adults for spinal dysfunction to assure better neurological health with or without symptoms. Just like a dentist checks teeth with or without pain to assure better oral health. The identification and treatment of spinal dysfunction (subluxations) through Chiropractic has led to improved health outcomes in newborns, babies, children, and adults for over 120 years.


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