Chiropractic Adjustments Help to Maximize New Habits & Goals

This white paper discusses the significance of the 2009 study published in the Journal of Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology called “Is Noradrenaline an Etiological factor in a number of diseases?” as well as the 2011 study published in the Journal of Alternative Therapeutic Health Medicine called “Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation.” 

Improving physical fitness, transforming diet, weight loss, smoking cessation, helping others and greater life enjoyment are the most popular resolutions reported for 2018. New Year’s Resolutions are a big deal. Based on the percentages of resolutions not kept each year, any help to better achieve these commitments would be beneficial. Chiropractic adjustments can provide a unique advantage to helping people better achieve their self-created goals and commitments. The chiropractic adjustment has been shown to decrease stress hormones. And stress hormones have been linked to a list of conditions and lowered function which lowers daily function and performance. The following studies help to show how chiropractic could have an influence on something seemingly disconnected from the spine.

2009 Journal of Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology
“Is Noradrenaline and Etiological a factor in a number of diseases” 

➢ Noradrenaline (also known as norepinephrine) is the principle signaling molecule used at the output of the sympathetic nervous system
➢ An increase of noradrenaline in the blood and tissue indicates that the body is under stress and in a fight or flight response.
➢ Although the stress response is perfect and important for brief stints of time to help the body overcome a stressful event, a sustained state creates a dangerous physiology of chronic disease over a period time.
➢ PJ Fitzgerald found that these specific conditions were directly linked to an increase in the hormone noradrenaline; cancer, bipolar disorder, excessive body weight, hypertension, type 1 autoimmune diabetes, type 2 diabetes, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and immune system function.

2011 Journal of Alternative Therapeutic Health Medicine
“Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation” 

➢ $3 million P.E.T. scan, a powerful neuro-imaging technique used to investigate neuronal activity in the human brain, was used to measure outcomes following a Chiropractic adjustment.
➢ Use of this advanced technology immediately set the results of the study apart from most other Chiropractic research.
➢ Brain and nervous system changes were measured in subjects after receiving a cervical adjustment.
➢ The findings concluded an increase in glucose metabolism in all areas of the brain except the cerebellar vermis, significantly lowered results in the stress response and visual analog scales, reduced muscle tone, and a significant decrease in salivary amylase.
➢ All of these measurements are major indicators in a reduction of stress hormones by inhibiting the tone of the central nervous system.

This new year brings new opportunity. Most people commit to being better and doing better in the next 12 months compared to the previous. Chiropractic adjustments can help. These scientific research studies point out the benefits of chiropractic beyond back and neck pain relief, and how they can contribute to patients better achieving their resolutions. It is the opinion of this author that anyone wanting to increase their odds of accomplishing greater physical, professional, or relationship outcomes this year should open up the communication pathways from the brain to the body through spinal adjustments. Chiropractic is both a safe and effective choice for performance-enhancement when it comes to accomplishing goals in 2018.

Chiropractic Advocate Jan 2018


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