Autism and Chiropractic

Doctor, This white paper discusses the significance of the study published in the 2013 Public Library of Science One Journal titled “Investigating the Autonomic Nervous System Response to Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.”

Recent statistics reveal that one out of every sixty-eight children suffer with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is defined as a complex developmental disorder that can cause problems with thinking, feeling, language and the ability to relate to others. It is a neurological disorder, which affects the function of the brain. Science and research behind the neurological influence of a chiropractic adjustment explains why and how children and adults with autism can be helped. This research looked at autonomic nervous system function in children with autism

The objectives of this study were to:

 ▪ Examine whether anxiety causes significant measurable changes in indicators of the autonomic nervous system in an autism spectrum disorder(ASD) population. 
▪ Characterize the pattern of these changes in the ASD population. 
▪ Three physiological indicators of the autonomic nervous system response were measured for a baseline and during an anxiety condition in a sample of typically developing children versus children with ASD. 
▪ The anxiety condition caused significant changes in heart rate and electrodermal activity in both groups, however a different pattern of response was found between the two groups. 
▪ The ASD group showed elevated heart rate during both baseline and anxiety conditions.
 ▪ Elevated electrodermal activity was found in the ASD group during baseline and blunted phasic electrodermal activity was found in those under the anxiety conditions.
 ▪ The ASD group did not show the typical decrease in skin temperature in response to anxiety.
 ▪ These results suggest that signals of the autonomic nervous system may be used as indicators of anxiety in children with ASD. And ASD may be associated with an atypical autonomic nervous system response to anxiety that is most consistent with sympathetic over-arousal and parasympathetic under-arousal.

The effects of autism and the severity of symptoms are different in each person and influence much more than the child. Every aspect of health and life are influenced in a family with a child on the autism spectrum. Harvard researchers estimate the added costs of autism-related healthcare and education average more than $17,000 per child every year in the United States. The figure represents expenses above those for a child without ASD. Millions of parents are searching for solutions outside of the medical model and Chiropractic can play a huge role in helping families overcome some of the burden in which autism brings. The neurological benefits of a chiropractic adjustment exist because of the intimate relationship between the spine and the nervous system. The spine-to-brain connection reveals why children and adults with autism spectrum disorder receive significant benefits through nervous system-focused chiropractic.

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